Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday, September 10th

 Happy Friday!

Homework starts next week. I will post it on SUNDAY, but homework books and Mathletics sign-in cards will be sent home on MONDAY. Please return all homework in your child's yellow communication folder by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th. If you print one of the activities out, please staple/glue/tape it inside of their actual notebook.  

If you were unable to attend our parent information night last night, I will be posting the PowerPoint under the WELCOME tab. Once you look through it, as alway, email me with any questions that you might have.

Have a wonderful weekend. We will see everyone on Monday morning in formal uniform.


 SPORT'S DAY!  We will be having our Sport's Day on Monday, June 27th. Please check the following list to see what colour your child...