Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Happy First Day of Grade 3!

Today we are thankful for being able to come to Le Roi Daniels school and learn face to face! It was fun to see our friends and we even met some new friends that we will get to know more this year. We had a quick assembly for grade 3s in the morning and learned about the importance of being kind and passing our kindness on to others. Our goal this week to pass our SMILES onto people who pass by.

Thank you for an amazing first day. :)


Please make sure your child has their black dress shoes and gym shoes at the school for tomorrow (or an all black running shoes is fine too).

On formal days, your child must wear a green cardigan (not the vest).

Please make sure all forms that were sent home at the ice cream social are returned by Friday! If you did not make it to the ice cream social, we are sending them home today.


 SPORT'S DAY!  We will be having our Sport's Day on Monday, June 27th. Please check the following list to see what colour your child...